NBNCo-MapWhy is NBN good for business?

Stronger customer relationships

Fast, reliable broadband brings video conferencing to life. Meet with customers, suppliers and colleagues, regardless of location, face to face without even leaving your desk, saving time consuming and costly travel.

Cloud comes to life

Cloud-based connectivity works best over high-speed broadband. With access to customers, suppliers, staff and information at home as well as in the office, on any connected device, you have the freedom to work smarter. Evotec can design, install, upgrade and maintain your existing network infrastructure and IT systems to remove any bottlenecks that could slow down your NBN experience.

New markets, new competitive advantages

Faster internet can improve the online experience for your customers. As more of your customers connect, you can gain a competitive advantage as a leader in on-line customer service. Evotec’s Unify and Alcatel phone systems have call center software and advanced auto attendant functions to enable incoming calls to get straight through to your subject matter experts.

Flexible working, boost productivity

Fast, reliable broadband for everyone will allow more flexible working , the ability to open up new employment opportunities, including those in more remote locations. The NBN has the potential to boost productivity of your existing staff. Evotec phone systems have in-built remote worker capability – enabling your remote workers to integrate fully with your business.

Go global

The NBN provides potential to sell products and services, across new channels to offer services globally. It could improve operational efficiency and change the way you do business in the future. Evotec offers LifeSize Video Conferencing systems that can help you do business 24/7 around the world.

Team collaboration

Engage the best possible team regardless of location. And when team members are away from the office they can still be connected to the project. The ability to share resources, meet and work together could help drive team productivity too. Evotec can advise on a web collaboration software that is integrated with your phone system.

Does every business have to switch?

When the National Broadband Network (NBN business have to switch?

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