Evotec Cyber Security Updates

May 2023 Topic – Multi Factor Authentication 

Evotec Cyber Security Updates

Please do not open any email with a docu-sign attachment. This is a phishing scam and is being investigated 

The Evotec privacy Policy has been updated – please read and become familiar with any changes 

Cyber Security Refresher training will be held on Monday the 15th of May for all those in the Sydney office 

May is Multi factor authentication month. 

Watch the video to learn more. 

Spot checks for mutli-factor authentication will take place throughout May 

Hi Team, 

There is a software update scheduled on the system for April 16th. Please ensure to restart all devices on Monday morning the 17th 


We have been notified of a CRM outage at 10am on the 10th of April. We will restore CRM to the last update- one hour ago 

I have updated our password policy.

From now on, the password must be changed every 6 month and must meet password complexity of minimum of 8 character long, upper and lower case, special character and number.

April is Password Protection month. 

make sure to read our Password Policy – this can be found in resources. 

Password knowledge will be tested at random, areas and browsers will be checked for password breaches at random thoughout April

Please be mindful when opening emails claiming to be from Microsoft or other sites asking to update the password or provide your details.

We have been receiving a very large number of phishing emails trying to steal your details.

If you are not expecting an email asking you to do things, and you receive one, do not open the email or any link within.