Stop. Think. Connect.Stop Think Connect 270x66

Most human beings are lazy unless motivated by fear or greed. They need training on the need to “Stop and Think” before they “Connect”.

Educate Users to strengthen Passwords

With all the threats to the integrity of your sovereign business data, current password functionality is in need of an overhaul. The challenges are:

1. Staff members are under pressure to get more done. Using good passwords makes this harder. So staff need education on the dangers of using short, easy-to-guess passwords

2. Short passwords are terrifyingly easy to hack.

Any sysadmin knows the difficulty in getting all staff to use unique passwords of a decent quality. On most apps, your password is “hashed” or encrypted to make it difficult for hackers to crack.

The problem is that a modern high-end graphics card, for example, can decode password hashes by running more than 600 million hash operations per second.
A few of these cards arranged in an array can try every possible eight character password in about seven days.

And attackers have other, more advanced ways to crack hashes — with the right tools they can crack hundreds of passwords per hour.

Once a hacker gets a user’s password, they can use it to attempt access to the user’s online accounts — such as email or bank accountsl the =eundreds or bank accountsl the =eundreds or banknder preexample, crypte1mcardA-p}osswords makes this harder. So staff need educasanf need e